Saturday, 17 May 2014

Its Been Awhile..

Well.. its been over a year since my last post on this blog. And I want to let everyone know that I didn't just forget or lose interest in it. As with it is everywhere and with everyone, life sometimes throws a few curve balls at you and you need to adapt to the changes.

I needed to step back and look at all the different things I was doing and I realized that I was doing so many different things that I really could not put the time and effort into those things at the level I would like. So I had to ... umhh.. "Trim The Fat" as the saying goes. I was into way to many little hobbies and I was getting somewhat overwhelmed with it all. So I took a year to figure things out.

Here is what I am going to be focusing on here at "The Atlantic Wargamer" in no Particular order over the next couple of months.

#1 Role Playing Games.. I am a GM at heart, and I really enjoy this medium. I am now starting to broadcast my games (and games that I play in) on Twitch. This is going to be done on Thursday nights. We held our first broadcast last night and we had 15 viewers who were watching and listening to our game.. it was a lot of fun. Check out the channel by looking for my profile there Calacorm_

#2 Miniatures.. I really do like the 15mm range miniatures games that are out there. Primarily Tomorrows War and other games from Ambush Alley Games. But I also plan on showcasing a few 2 Hour Wargames as well. Like Star Army 2150 and All Things Zombie. So you can expect a few blogs about that. I am still waiting for that Robotech kickstarter to pan out as well. So when I get that there will be lots of pics of that stuff.. (If I ever get them!)

#3 I also plan on covering some painting and games of WarMachine with my Khador army. I love the range of models and how they look. Besides I am a total Kharchev junkie. So be prepared to see more of him.
#4 What ever board games or card games I am playing at the time. I envolved with the FFGs "Star Wars" The Card Game, along with their "Lord of The Rings" Card game.

#5 And last of all, I am going to be doing some WH40K game reports, but I will not be using the 40K rules, what ever edition they have released in the near future.. Version 7!!! Are you even serious GW?? But I plan on running the games using the Savage Worlds Rules.. :)

Anyways, I just wanted to let everyone know that I am getting my hobbies back on track and I will be posting here in the future a little more often again.

Best Regards.. Jolly!

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