Sunday 3 February 2013

More Painting Progress..

Just a few more sample shots I figured I throw out there..  If you have any tips, advice, or critiques feel free to leave them in the comments below.


  1. Nice! Are those the "not Colonial marines" in vac suits by Khurasan? I've been tempted to pick them up.

    I like the glare on the faceplate.

    My only thought, and this is just my general rule when painting 15's, is that maybe the gun could be lighter in color so you can see its shape at distance during a game? The gun looks lighter in the later photos, but it's pretty dark in this first few (maybe this was a WIP shot).

    Great figure though and I like the look of your Battle LA project.

  2. Thanks for the comments. Both of you.

    And yes, you were correct about the darkness of the weapons. I went back over them again with silver paint on the edges, really makes the weapons pop out and catch the eye.

  3. Oh, and yes... they are the none colonial marines from Khurasan.
